Violin Lesson Index Finger of Bow Hand Setup Fiddle Lessons

Violin Lesson Index Finger of Bow Hand Setup Fiddle Lessons http This tutorial show the proper way to use your index finger of your bow hand while playing the violin (fiddle). Subscribe to keep up on new violin (fiddle) tutorials. Some would say that the index finger is the most important finger of the violin. It is through the index finger that all our articulation is passed from our mind to our violin (fiddle). Any thoughts? As with all our fingers, you need ensure that your index finger stays curved and relaxed. When you hold your bow the bow stick need to contact your index finger at around your second knuckle. As you move your bow up and down on your violin (fiddle) you will find that the bow will move around a little on your index finger. Try to keep it close to your second knuckle though. If you think of the bow as a teeter totter, your index finger will be a person on one end of the teeter totter and your pinky will be the person on the other. Your thumb will be the pivot point between the two. As your hand rotates (like pouring a glass of water) your index finger will press down and your thumb exerts pressure upward. This rotating motion is how we apply pressure into your bow and increase the sound. Nothing can replace lessons with a qualified violin teacher. If anything in these videos contradict what you have been told by your teacher, please follow your teacher’s advice. Whether you have a teacher or not these

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